Put our first video onto YouTube, featuring thedacs cats and one of them disappearing.
It's very funny (Well we thought so anyway) but for some reason there is no sound. Probably something to do with Windows Movie Maker as the sound was there before when using the software that came with our Video Xpress - only problem with that software was that a 24 second clip took uo 174mb! More investigation needed.
Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Thursday, March 30
Fuck ID Cards
So ID cards are going to become compulsory whenever you renew your passport by 2010 after the Lords finally caved in last night. Smallest mercy is that that date will be after the next general eclection.
Looks like I won't be going abroad ever again unless the Tories win the next election.
Or the civil unrest and rioting following the implementation of this awful scheme causes the fuckwitted Labour Government (Who I stupidly voted for in '97 and '01) to scrap it.
Still, fuck them. Labour's Poll Tax and i'll enjoy watching them fall because of their own authoritarian fuckwittery.
Looks like I won't be going abroad ever again unless the Tories win the next election.
Or the civil unrest and rioting following the implementation of this awful scheme causes the fuckwitted Labour Government (Who I stupidly voted for in '97 and '01) to scrap it.
Still, fuck them. Labour's Poll Tax and i'll enjoy watching them fall because of their own authoritarian fuckwittery.
Tuesday, March 28
Financial crisis of the 18-40s
According to a study reported in todays Guardian, large percentages of 18-40 year olds are unable to cope with debts and soaring house prices, with alarmingly low levels of savings and little hope of building a decent pension.
Sounds about right.
Thedacs still have a small amount of debt to service, no foot on the property ladder (Housing Association home for us), little savings and only half a pension, but we don't feel particuarly downtrodden financially.
That may have something to do with the fact that we've taken control of our finances rather than letting them whisk us away on an ever present tide of consumerism.
We don't spunk our money on booze, fags, gear, clothes, gadgets all the time (Although we still indulge our vices often enough of course) or put many things on our credit cards.
We're saving to pay off the summer holiday we bought in November (All inclusive, Lanzarote, can't wait) and budgetted accordingly so that's no problem. After May, the amount put aside each month for that will just stack up in the ISA and be put toward a new car (Essential for C now that she has to travel further to earn the mega bucks) or that all important foot on the property ladder.
And do you know what, regardless how some will sneer, the most important influence on us in taking control of our finances has been the sort of morning TV shows like Moneyspinners and th like. Not only have we been saving more money (By being more efficient, cutting out the crap, etc) but we've also been making more through other activities.
We wanna be rich and not have to take the sort of shit that useless employers give out or struggle to get by.
Like the profile says, we are thedacs and we're standing up for ourselves.
Sounds about right.
Thedacs still have a small amount of debt to service, no foot on the property ladder (Housing Association home for us), little savings and only half a pension, but we don't feel particuarly downtrodden financially.
That may have something to do with the fact that we've taken control of our finances rather than letting them whisk us away on an ever present tide of consumerism.
We don't spunk our money on booze, fags, gear, clothes, gadgets all the time (Although we still indulge our vices often enough of course) or put many things on our credit cards.
We're saving to pay off the summer holiday we bought in November (All inclusive, Lanzarote, can't wait) and budgetted accordingly so that's no problem. After May, the amount put aside each month for that will just stack up in the ISA and be put toward a new car (Essential for C now that she has to travel further to earn the mega bucks) or that all important foot on the property ladder.
And do you know what, regardless how some will sneer, the most important influence on us in taking control of our finances has been the sort of morning TV shows like Moneyspinners and th like. Not only have we been saving more money (By being more efficient, cutting out the crap, etc) but we've also been making more through other activities.
We wanna be rich and not have to take the sort of shit that useless employers give out or struggle to get by.
Like the profile says, we are thedacs and we're standing up for ourselves.
Monday, March 27
Comment is Free
Hey Ho, the Comment Is Free website is playing up. Again.
After spending a minute or two typing out a brilliantly insightful comment (Ahem!) to post in response to a Gary Younge article, this is the message I get...
'Got an error: Bad ObjectDriver config: Connection error: FATAL: connection limit exceeded for non-superusers'
...Sort it out!
After spending a minute or two typing out a brilliantly insightful comment (Ahem!) to post in response to a Gary Younge article, this is the message I get...
'Got an error: Bad ObjectDriver config: Connection error: FATAL: connection limit exceeded for non-superusers'
...Sort it out!
Noel Edmonds and the Bafta nomination
D -The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (Rather poncey so no wonder it's known by the anacronym BAFTA ) has nominated Noel Edmonds for best Entertainment Performance for his new show Deal or No Deal.
Having had plenty of time off to catch up on afternoon viewing, myself and C have grown to really enjoy the show (As have a fair few million others by all accounts) although our friend P, having recently returned from a stint in Australia where another version of the show has been running, prefers the Australian version partly because Noel Edmonds wasn't presenting it.
Poor old Noel isn't a particuarly popular TV presenter among left-liberal circles, as this column by Armando Iannucci in the last Observer shows (Incidentally, is it just me or is the Observer getting a bit shit recently? The new 'Berliner' tabloid style of presentation is alright, it's just the level of comment in it now. Too smug, self-satisfied and bed wetting for my liking. Might not buy anymore and just fuck the Sunday papers off for good, which would please C no end..)
Mind you, the liberal left don't really like anyone that appeals to and is popular with the Proles, even though they themselves are always professing to have the Proles best interests at heart, be it television, music or whatever.
Just for that I hope Noel wins.
Having had plenty of time off to catch up on afternoon viewing, myself and C have grown to really enjoy the show (As have a fair few million others by all accounts) although our friend P, having recently returned from a stint in Australia where another version of the show has been running, prefers the Australian version partly because Noel Edmonds wasn't presenting it.
Poor old Noel isn't a particuarly popular TV presenter among left-liberal circles, as this column by Armando Iannucci in the last Observer shows (Incidentally, is it just me or is the Observer getting a bit shit recently? The new 'Berliner' tabloid style of presentation is alright, it's just the level of comment in it now. Too smug, self-satisfied and bed wetting for my liking. Might not buy anymore and just fuck the Sunday papers off for good, which would please C no end..)
Mind you, the liberal left don't really like anyone that appeals to and is popular with the Proles, even though they themselves are always professing to have the Proles best interests at heart, be it television, music or whatever.
Just for that I hope Noel wins.
HBS again
Posted off a letter to HBS Human Resources (Hahahaha yeah right!) today letting them know that they have attempted to terminate my contract with them against the terms and conditions laid out in that contract.
Whether it's just them being there usual incompetent selves and not knowing their arse from their elbow when it comes to dates or something more sinister, I don't know.
Either way it felt good to send it out (I resisted the urge to put the boot in just in case this goes further) and i'm rather looking forward to the response to see whether they'll attempt to wriggle out of it (As is HBS custom it seems) or take it on the chin.
Whether it's just them being there usual incompetent selves and not knowing their arse from their elbow when it comes to dates or something more sinister, I don't know.
Either way it felt good to send it out (I resisted the urge to put the boot in just in case this goes further) and i'm rather looking forward to the response to see whether they'll attempt to wriggle out of it (As is HBS custom it seems) or take it on the chin.
Sunday, March 26
Sundays are great
Best day of the week. Get to lay in and make love for starters.
Just a shame i'm not allowed Sky Sports to watch the footy in the afternoon.
Nevermind, the World Cup starts soon and i'll be able to feast upon the continuous stream of live matches shown on terrestrial.
Just a shame i'm not allowed Sky Sports to watch the footy in the afternoon.
Nevermind, the World Cup starts soon and i'll be able to feast upon the continuous stream of live matches shown on terrestrial.
Saturday, March 25
Sims and Driver hassle
D - While C was on an early shift at a private hospital today, I took A up the City to buy her the webcam and microphone I promised her yesterday. Like A herself, a fair few of her schoolmates use MSN Messenger in the evenings and weekends to carry on the days gossip (Or whatever it is 11 year olds talk about) and one of them was using a microphone last night.
Having used Messenger myself a fair bit a few years ago, I know that using a webcam and microphone is far more preferential to typing text (Although only with those you want to talk to of course), so it wasn't a case of 'Keeping up with the Jones'es' but rather me getting a bit excited at being able to buy more techie shit.
As it happened, Tezco wasn't open at the time so we wandered into one of the Game stores and the entire shopping trip was turned on its head by the sight of The Sims 2: Open For Business.
The webcam and microphone was soon put to bed, even though we'd already seen one combined cam that A wanted, and we trawled the shops looking for the best price. No joy on that front since the game has only been out recently but it was a nice morning for the two of us to spend together. We even sat down by the fountain in Queens Court, had a good chat and laugh while relaxing in the sun and getting our shoes wet.
Anyway, it was once we'd got the game back home (Along with a couple of pressies I bought C) and A installed the game that the problems began. Well, in actual fact the problems had been occuring with the Sims 2 for some time.....A had to always be moving the mouse around when playing or the monitor would turn itself off and never come back on unless the PC was rebooted.
It took about an hour for us to solve the problem by reinstalling the graphic card drivers, sending reports to Microsoft and updating crap with them, re-updating the drivers again and rebooting the PC countless times.
Once the game started up with none of the problems she'd experienced and battled with previously, A thanked me profusely.
It was all a bit of a relief really 'cos I was totally winging it..
Having used Messenger myself a fair bit a few years ago, I know that using a webcam and microphone is far more preferential to typing text (Although only with those you want to talk to of course), so it wasn't a case of 'Keeping up with the Jones'es' but rather me getting a bit excited at being able to buy more techie shit.
As it happened, Tezco wasn't open at the time so we wandered into one of the Game stores and the entire shopping trip was turned on its head by the sight of The Sims 2: Open For Business.
The webcam and microphone was soon put to bed, even though we'd already seen one combined cam that A wanted, and we trawled the shops looking for the best price. No joy on that front since the game has only been out recently but it was a nice morning for the two of us to spend together. We even sat down by the fountain in Queens Court, had a good chat and laugh while relaxing in the sun and getting our shoes wet.
Anyway, it was once we'd got the game back home (Along with a couple of pressies I bought C) and A installed the game that the problems began. Well, in actual fact the problems had been occuring with the Sims 2 for some time.....A had to always be moving the mouse around when playing or the monitor would turn itself off and never come back on unless the PC was rebooted.
It took about an hour for us to solve the problem by reinstalling the graphic card drivers, sending reports to Microsoft and updating crap with them, re-updating the drivers again and rebooting the PC countless times.
Once the game started up with none of the problems she'd experienced and battled with previously, A thanked me profusely.
It was all a bit of a relief really 'cos I was totally winging it..
Friday, March 24
Just had a lovely tea of bangers, mash, carrots and brocolli topped off with gorgeous thick gravy.
A asked me if she could drink whatever gravy was left over. Fair enough.
Wish I had a camera handy to capture the look on her face as she drunk it straight from the jug.
Also wish I had some pudding..
A asked me if she could drink whatever gravy was left over. Fair enough.
Wish I had a camera handy to capture the look on her face as she drunk it straight from the jug.
Also wish I had some pudding..
'French President Jacques Chirac showed his temper at the EU summit when a French business leader addressed delegates in English.
He stormed out of a session when Ernest-Antoine Seilliere said he chose English "because that is the accepted business language of Europe today".
Mr Chirac told reporters on Friday he was "deeply shocked" that a Frenchman chose to address the summit in English. '
Hahaha what a silly wanker!
Still, always nice to see the French flailing against their falling place in the world and the pending extinction of their language.
He stormed out of a session when Ernest-Antoine Seilliere said he chose English "because that is the accepted business language of Europe today".
Mr Chirac told reporters on Friday he was "deeply shocked" that a Frenchman chose to address the summit in English. '
Hahaha what a silly wanker!
Still, always nice to see the French flailing against their falling place in the world and the pending extinction of their language.
Retail slowdown or change in the market?
Taking a walk around the City lately (Or, as the owners and their maketing goons want to so lamely call it The Centre:MK) seems to be a fairly decent barometer of the retail situation in Britain right now.
A quick count of empty shop units reveals at least half a dozen scattered around the mall, all of which have closed down since the New Year and have yet to be taken on by other retailers.
One explanation for that could be the heavy rents charged by the malls management and owners which restricts the opportunities for smaller, independent retailers to move in.
Another is that consumers just don't have the disposable income to splash around anymore, although the success and growing profits of the supermarkets and chains like Primark suggests that consumers are still spending. Just not in the traditional way.
Perhaps it could be that the small-chain retailers who have been forced out were simply selling shit that no one wanted.
Past Times was one example of this. Situated at the quieter, posher end of the City, this store sold 'Christmas Gifts - From the glories of the Middle Ages and the 18th Century, to the exquisite refinement of Oriental Art'.
Why this company thought the modern city of MK with it's massive population of immigrants would be interested in purchasing over-priced, nostalgic bric-a-brac is beyond me. The fact that this store, along with others, closed down so quickly should be warning enough to others that in todays climate of increasing utility bills and council tax, and the increasing power of the supermarket behemoths and their cheap Asian-made goods, consumers are no longer willing to pay over the odds for novelties.
Or if they are, then it won't be in sufficient numbers to justify the expense of leasing expensive retail space and employing retail staff.
Perhaps the only way for these companies to survive (Other than not expanding in a head long rush and in doing so, ignore the traditional elements of capitalism) is to base themselves soley on the internet where overheads are low and the market is worldwide.
There is however, still hope for the small independent retailer in the City although they face an uphill struggle.
Tezco Ltd is probably one of the most popular stores in the mall because first of all, it's a store that offers goods and services that the local population actually want (Rather than the same old, identical crap seen in the big stores across the nation) and secondly, it sells them cheaply.
In the age of ebay, Amazon and other fantastic online retailers, Tezco competes on price,quality and range of goods, but it also offers something far more valuable in todays retail market place and something that the majority of British retailers are fucking hopeless at....great customer service.
Popping into the store to pick up something can soon turn into a pleasant hour spent talking to the owner or other customers.
Pretty standard stuff for customers in France no doubt or the smaller areas of Britain, but almost unheard of in large malls here. The fact that Faz, the owner, isn't from Britain and most of the customers are made up of the large numbers of foriegn immigrants to MK, may well play a massive part in that friendly atmosphere, as does the opportunity to haggle on price and recieve a personal service.
Contrast that to the stroppy service and fixed prices of the majority of Britains retail outlets and it isn't hard to see that Tezco will thrive.
If it isn't priced out of it's excellent central location first though. Faz tells me that the rent is horrifically high and the grand a month 'Service Charge' payable to the City's management gets him two bin bags a day left outside the store.
If Tezco survives, while the small-chains wither, then a sea change in the retail market might be on it's way and we could see the return of a butchers and similar to Central Milton Keynes (With the growing clamour of the public, partly thanks to the like of Jamies School Dinners, to buy decent meat and other foods rather than the mass produced stuff in the superarkets it shouldn't be too far off).
Let's hope great service wins and the market simply adjusts itself to serve changing consumer needs.
A quick count of empty shop units reveals at least half a dozen scattered around the mall, all of which have closed down since the New Year and have yet to be taken on by other retailers.
One explanation for that could be the heavy rents charged by the malls management and owners which restricts the opportunities for smaller, independent retailers to move in.
Another is that consumers just don't have the disposable income to splash around anymore, although the success and growing profits of the supermarkets and chains like Primark suggests that consumers are still spending. Just not in the traditional way.
Perhaps it could be that the small-chain retailers who have been forced out were simply selling shit that no one wanted.
Past Times was one example of this. Situated at the quieter, posher end of the City, this store sold 'Christmas Gifts - From the glories of the Middle Ages and the 18th Century, to the exquisite refinement of Oriental Art'.
Why this company thought the modern city of MK with it's massive population of immigrants would be interested in purchasing over-priced, nostalgic bric-a-brac is beyond me. The fact that this store, along with others, closed down so quickly should be warning enough to others that in todays climate of increasing utility bills and council tax, and the increasing power of the supermarket behemoths and their cheap Asian-made goods, consumers are no longer willing to pay over the odds for novelties.
Or if they are, then it won't be in sufficient numbers to justify the expense of leasing expensive retail space and employing retail staff.
Perhaps the only way for these companies to survive (Other than not expanding in a head long rush and in doing so, ignore the traditional elements of capitalism) is to base themselves soley on the internet where overheads are low and the market is worldwide.
There is however, still hope for the small independent retailer in the City although they face an uphill struggle.
Tezco Ltd is probably one of the most popular stores in the mall because first of all, it's a store that offers goods and services that the local population actually want (Rather than the same old, identical crap seen in the big stores across the nation) and secondly, it sells them cheaply.
In the age of ebay, Amazon and other fantastic online retailers, Tezco competes on price,quality and range of goods, but it also offers something far more valuable in todays retail market place and something that the majority of British retailers are fucking hopeless at....great customer service.
Popping into the store to pick up something can soon turn into a pleasant hour spent talking to the owner or other customers.
Pretty standard stuff for customers in France no doubt or the smaller areas of Britain, but almost unheard of in large malls here. The fact that Faz, the owner, isn't from Britain and most of the customers are made up of the large numbers of foriegn immigrants to MK, may well play a massive part in that friendly atmosphere, as does the opportunity to haggle on price and recieve a personal service.
Contrast that to the stroppy service and fixed prices of the majority of Britains retail outlets and it isn't hard to see that Tezco will thrive.
If it isn't priced out of it's excellent central location first though. Faz tells me that the rent is horrifically high and the grand a month 'Service Charge' payable to the City's management gets him two bin bags a day left outside the store.
If Tezco survives, while the small-chains wither, then a sea change in the retail market might be on it's way and we could see the return of a butchers and similar to Central Milton Keynes (With the growing clamour of the public, partly thanks to the like of Jamies School Dinners, to buy decent meat and other foods rather than the mass produced stuff in the superarkets it shouldn't be too far off).
Let's hope great service wins and the market simply adjusts itself to serve changing consumer needs.
Thursday, March 23
Budget and micro-renewables
Ok so it may not be the greatest Budget for the environment, but it certainly wasn't a step backwards.The new funding for micro-renewables is a welcome measure personally, as we're looking at installing wind turbines and PV panels as soon as we can afford them (Ha ha!), although having recently worked in the Planning Department of Milton Keynes Council I know that some of the biggest incentives must come from local authorities.Simplifying the planning process, speeding it up and even offering cut-priced or subsidised planning fees would be relatively pain free ways to encourage local take up of micro-renewables and also help those local authorities who are signed up to the Nottingham Declaration meet their targets.
Wednesday, March 22
The Budget
Today is the day when political commentators can get their teeth into something solid, instead of the usual Wesminster/media wankfest of entrail reading, 'cos today is The Budget.
Actually, economic commentators will get their teeth into it, while the politico's carry on the normal snore-a-thon and wonder why fewer and fewer of the public cold care less.
Anyway, other than the rises in tax on fags, booze and petrol, The Budget is of limited interest to the general public who need not worry themselves over the macro-economic state of the nation. Plenty of stuff within it though to be of interest (Climate change and carbon emissions reductions being a particular sub-set that has grown in importance in general and to myself) but I can't help myself when nodding off in front of the live broadcast as, like many other people, I can't listen to what Chancellor Gordon Brown says without being totally distracted and put off by that spacky thing he does with his mouth.
Someone slap him out of it please...
Actually, economic commentators will get their teeth into it, while the politico's carry on the normal snore-a-thon and wonder why fewer and fewer of the public cold care less.
Anyway, other than the rises in tax on fags, booze and petrol, The Budget is of limited interest to the general public who need not worry themselves over the macro-economic state of the nation. Plenty of stuff within it though to be of interest (Climate change and carbon emissions reductions being a particular sub-set that has grown in importance in general and to myself) but I can't help myself when nodding off in front of the live broadcast as, like many other people, I can't listen to what Chancellor Gordon Brown says without being totally distracted and put off by that spacky thing he does with his mouth.
Someone slap him out of it please...
Tuesday, March 21
Finally investigated YouTube after having seen it mentioned in various places.
We've been sat in front of it for an hour or so, pissing ourselves laughing and staring in slack jawed wonder at some of the fantastic videos on there.
Ok so there's a fair old amount of utter shite on there too, but so what. Having a platform where anyone can stick up vids of themselves or whatever interests them without having to rely on someone else's judgement to run them can only be a good thing.
We'll have to get our video camera out to fuck around with and post up some stuff that amuses us. Maybe others will like, maybe they won't. Worth doing for a laugh anyway.
I'm the Juggernaught bitch!
We've been sat in front of it for an hour or so, pissing ourselves laughing and staring in slack jawed wonder at some of the fantastic videos on there.
Ok so there's a fair old amount of utter shite on there too, but so what. Having a platform where anyone can stick up vids of themselves or whatever interests them without having to rely on someone else's judgement to run them can only be a good thing.
We'll have to get our video camera out to fuck around with and post up some stuff that amuses us. Maybe others will like, maybe they won't. Worth doing for a laugh anyway.
I'm the Juggernaught bitch!
Bah! ebay refund
D - Got a message from a buyer of the vintage Action Man gear I have been selling over the past month or so and they weren't happy with the condition of the items they bought. 90% of it was worthless apparently...
Bit of a bummer 'cos they sold for nearly £30 (And every penny counts at the mo) but his request was civil and well within his rights so I have no probs giving a full refund. It's just the first unhappy customer i've had and that's always a disappointment. Nevermind, can always relist them with a modified description regarding the quality of the uniforms and hope they sell again.
Hopefully we'll be able to resolve the feedback issue just as straightforwardly.
Bit of a bummer 'cos they sold for nearly £30 (And every penny counts at the mo) but his request was civil and well within his rights so I have no probs giving a full refund. It's just the first unhappy customer i've had and that's always a disappointment. Nevermind, can always relist them with a modified description regarding the quality of the uniforms and hope they sell again.
Hopefully we'll be able to resolve the feedback issue just as straightforwardly.
Monday, March 20
More HBS shite
Went to see my GP today to get myself signed off for the remainder of my contract with the chronically inept HBS. No probs with that, but something rather interesting came to light as I was going through some documents while drafting a new CV.
I found my contract with HBS and it stated, as I always thought, that my employment with them ends on the 17th April 2006. A fixed term contract for the period of 12 months, with the company needing to give one months notice of termination.
All pretty standard stuff, but somewhat at odds with the shitty letter I recieved on the 13th March 2006 telling me that my employment would be terminated on 31st March 2006 unless I signed the new contract by 17th March.
Somethings not right there.
Think i'll rather enjoy writing an even more shitty letter to HBS pointing out their mistake.
Might even drop in a reference to considering a case of Constructive Dismissal against the buffoons.
I found my contract with HBS and it stated, as I always thought, that my employment with them ends on the 17th April 2006. A fixed term contract for the period of 12 months, with the company needing to give one months notice of termination.
All pretty standard stuff, but somewhat at odds with the shitty letter I recieved on the 13th March 2006 telling me that my employment would be terminated on 31st March 2006 unless I signed the new contract by 17th March.
Somethings not right there.
Think i'll rather enjoy writing an even more shitty letter to HBS pointing out their mistake.
Might even drop in a reference to considering a case of Constructive Dismissal against the buffoons.
FA Cup
Man Shitty vs West Ham tonight. It's on BBC1 as well which is handy (For those of us who can't afford Sky...or aren't allowed it!) so it'll be a night in front of the telly, feet up and hoping for a typical FA Cup tie full of action and excitement.
I've got a fair few mates that are Hammers supporters so i'll be hoping for a decent performance from them as they traditionally play good, passing football (Showed they could battle against Bolton in the last round too).
Mind you, i'm also quite intrigued to see Stuart Pearce and the Shitty team he's fashioned in his image. Pyscho was a great player in his time, full of passion, hard as nails, as honest and fair as an Englishman should be and possessed of a thumpingly accurate shot. Shitty seem to be playing much better now that Pearce has taken charge and it would be good to see them go further in the competition instead of the usual lame exit. Their supporters deserve it anyway. Doubt many other clubs could garner the same, tens of thousands-strong level of support if they went down a division or two.
My only hope with Pearce, an exceptionally honest man when it comes to negotiating contracts and forgoing big pay-offs if he fails as a manager, is that he stays at club level and masters the craft, rather than being tempted by the poisoned chalice of England management, especially as it seems it would come in tandem with Alan 'Cannot motivate a team after Chrimbo' Curbishley.
Hammers boss, Alan Pardew might also be a future contender for the England job. Bringing West Ham up to the Premiership and flourishing with style is the sign of a good manager, although next season will be a test of his managerial skills. A test George Burley failed at Ipswich in the season following a fifth place finish at the first pop. Bastard,we still haven't recovered as a club or as a team. Nah, George still has the respect of the Ipswich faithful.
Anyway, let's hope for a cracking Cup tie tonight and show the world why English football is still, and will always remain, the most exciting in the world.
It will be a fucking crappy 0-0 now you watch...
I've got a fair few mates that are Hammers supporters so i'll be hoping for a decent performance from them as they traditionally play good, passing football (Showed they could battle against Bolton in the last round too).
Mind you, i'm also quite intrigued to see Stuart Pearce and the Shitty team he's fashioned in his image. Pyscho was a great player in his time, full of passion, hard as nails, as honest and fair as an Englishman should be and possessed of a thumpingly accurate shot. Shitty seem to be playing much better now that Pearce has taken charge and it would be good to see them go further in the competition instead of the usual lame exit. Their supporters deserve it anyway. Doubt many other clubs could garner the same, tens of thousands-strong level of support if they went down a division or two.
My only hope with Pearce, an exceptionally honest man when it comes to negotiating contracts and forgoing big pay-offs if he fails as a manager, is that he stays at club level and masters the craft, rather than being tempted by the poisoned chalice of England management, especially as it seems it would come in tandem with Alan 'Cannot motivate a team after Chrimbo' Curbishley.
Hammers boss, Alan Pardew might also be a future contender for the England job. Bringing West Ham up to the Premiership and flourishing with style is the sign of a good manager, although next season will be a test of his managerial skills. A test George Burley failed at Ipswich in the season following a fifth place finish at the first pop. Bastard,we still haven't recovered as a club or as a team. Nah, George still has the respect of the Ipswich faithful.
Anyway, let's hope for a cracking Cup tie tonight and show the world why English football is still, and will always remain, the most exciting in the world.
It will be a fucking crappy 0-0 now you watch...
Sunday, March 19
Sunday Sunday
D - Pretty good day today. Woke up, made love to C, got all the shopping done and cleaned the house from top to toe, as well as getting 3 loads of washing and drying done. Not forgetting the re-composting of my seed trays (It's my first attempt at gardening and it ain't got going so far...the sprouting vegetables look a bit limp. Soon be time to call in me Dad to sort it all out.) so it was a pretty relaxed and cool Sunday.
C's sister is over now and it's been a bit emotional so far. She only found out a week ago that she was pregnant...
C's sister is over now and it's been a bit emotional so far. She only found out a week ago that she was pregnant...
Saturday, March 18
Pressure building
Big development in C's fight this afternoon.
Will be around 3 weeks before we hear anything else, so now we have to sit tight and hope.
Will be around 3 weeks before we hear anything else, so now we have to sit tight and hope.
Friday, March 17
Out of work
D - Walked out of work today after finally refusing to work with shite management.
Had to tell C (Also a victim of the hopeless excuse that passes for management in today's British workplace) by text that i'd quit as I was walking up the job centre with fury, hurt and numbness in my heart....but C is the best. Her first words were, 'You're my hero for walking out'. That cheered me immensly, as did the response of my co-workers.
This is the email I sent to my wonderful co-workers who i'll miss, although i'll see them again for sure..
Dear all,
First of all I want to apologise to you for leaving the office so abruptly.
Since the turn of the year i've been suffering from depression (So much so that my GP has put me on medication) attributable to the quality of management & communication offered by HBS. Some of you have been in the same position regarding the painfully drawn out process of negotiating new contracts and will appreciate the derisory offers made to us, lack of recognition and sensitivity shown by HBS and the willful lack of corcern shown by our management team.
Last week I saw the Occupational Health Advisor about the depression caused by this lack of management contact and rejection of my compromise offer. She agreed with my stance and wrote a letter, which myself and TL both passed on to management, stating that management should deal with the situation.
The very next day I recieved word from Chris Nixon that I must 'prove' myself. This appalling comment from a manger who has hardly set foot in our department, allied to the fact that HBS have told me that they wanted me in this new position for the past six months but failed to act on that desire, led my mental state to deteriorate almost instantly. I'm afraid, like most creative souls I also happen to be a sensitive one. Having given the best part of a year to HBS against my better judgement and their performance toward the entire department, something cracked and it was me.
Today I had that meeting. It soon became apparent that this was not due to any concern regarding the state of my mental health or to discuss how to proceed, but was an exercise in covering their own backs against Occupational Health, attempting to pass the blame for their management failures on to TL (Which I wholeheartedly rejected) and claiming that they were 'always in the deaprtment'
I saw no future for myself with a company such as HBS and so upped and left.
Secondly, I wish to thank you all for being such a friendly, warm team that were a pleasure to work with. Coming back to work today and seeing all of you there soon made me forget any troubles I felt were pending, but i'm afraid the self-serving, attempted buck passing and, most importantly, lack of any concern, shown by HBS management this morning have become too much for me.
I'm afraid to say that I won't be coming back to work for HBS in any form, but that I shall really miss you all and hope that those of you searching for your way out find it sooner rather than later. I've had more than a fair inkling that HBS would prove themselves to be incapable of worthwhile management so have been prepared, financially at least, for this moment.
Once again, i'll miss you all. I enjoyed working in a team that laughed a lot together, that worked superbly against all the odds and supported each other in the face of managerial incompetence.
All the best and all my love to each and every one of you,
Had to tell C (Also a victim of the hopeless excuse that passes for management in today's British workplace) by text that i'd quit as I was walking up the job centre with fury, hurt and numbness in my heart....but C is the best. Her first words were, 'You're my hero for walking out'. That cheered me immensly, as did the response of my co-workers.
This is the email I sent to my wonderful co-workers who i'll miss, although i'll see them again for sure..
Dear all,
First of all I want to apologise to you for leaving the office so abruptly.
Since the turn of the year i've been suffering from depression (So much so that my GP has put me on medication) attributable to the quality of management & communication offered by HBS. Some of you have been in the same position regarding the painfully drawn out process of negotiating new contracts and will appreciate the derisory offers made to us, lack of recognition and sensitivity shown by HBS and the willful lack of corcern shown by our management team.
Last week I saw the Occupational Health Advisor about the depression caused by this lack of management contact and rejection of my compromise offer. She agreed with my stance and wrote a letter, which myself and TL both passed on to management, stating that management should deal with the situation.
The very next day I recieved word from Chris Nixon that I must 'prove' myself. This appalling comment from a manger who has hardly set foot in our department, allied to the fact that HBS have told me that they wanted me in this new position for the past six months but failed to act on that desire, led my mental state to deteriorate almost instantly. I'm afraid, like most creative souls I also happen to be a sensitive one. Having given the best part of a year to HBS against my better judgement and their performance toward the entire department, something cracked and it was me.
Today I had that meeting. It soon became apparent that this was not due to any concern regarding the state of my mental health or to discuss how to proceed, but was an exercise in covering their own backs against Occupational Health, attempting to pass the blame for their management failures on to TL (Which I wholeheartedly rejected) and claiming that they were 'always in the deaprtment'
I saw no future for myself with a company such as HBS and so upped and left.
Secondly, I wish to thank you all for being such a friendly, warm team that were a pleasure to work with. Coming back to work today and seeing all of you there soon made me forget any troubles I felt were pending, but i'm afraid the self-serving, attempted buck passing and, most importantly, lack of any concern, shown by HBS management this morning have become too much for me.
I'm afraid to say that I won't be coming back to work for HBS in any form, but that I shall really miss you all and hope that those of you searching for your way out find it sooner rather than later. I've had more than a fair inkling that HBS would prove themselves to be incapable of worthwhile management so have been prepared, financially at least, for this moment.
Once again, i'll miss you all. I enjoyed working in a team that laughed a lot together, that worked superbly against all the odds and supported each other in the face of managerial incompetence.
All the best and all my love to each and every one of you,
Thursday, March 16
Roma beaten by Boro
Justice done, in the footballing sense at least, as Roma beaten by Boro last night.
Let's wait and see if UEFA can bother themselves with discipling the Italian club for their fan's behaviour..
Let's wait and see if UEFA can bother themselves with discipling the Italian club for their fan's behaviour..
Wednesday, March 15
Ban Roma
It's time for UEFA to show they aren't solely anti-English when it comes to handing out the bans from European football for the violent behaviour of fans and ban Roma.
Last night saw Middlesbrough fans stabbed in Rome ahead of tonights UEFA Cup match between the two teams and we shall await, although not with baited breath it must be said, the reaction of UEFA to this organised assault.
While English club fans have built up a huge reputation for hooliganism since the 70's, 80's and during international fixtures during the 90's, the domestic crackdown on hooligans and the average fan's tiredness at being tarred with the same brush, has led to English fans behaving far better when abroad than some of the local fans.
It's not the first time that AS Roma have been in trouble recently with the authorities due to the behaviour of their fans, indeed they were forced to play behind closed doors less than two years ago after Anders Frisk was struck by a missle thrown from the Roma crowd.
It doesn't take a leap of genius or even paranioa (As some self-loathing English people will always claim) to know that if it was an English team responsible for such actions, a heavy ban would be slapped on them.
Last night saw Middlesbrough fans stabbed in Rome ahead of tonights UEFA Cup match between the two teams and we shall await, although not with baited breath it must be said, the reaction of UEFA to this organised assault.
While English club fans have built up a huge reputation for hooliganism since the 70's, 80's and during international fixtures during the 90's, the domestic crackdown on hooligans and the average fan's tiredness at being tarred with the same brush, has led to English fans behaving far better when abroad than some of the local fans.
It's not the first time that AS Roma have been in trouble recently with the authorities due to the behaviour of their fans, indeed they were forced to play behind closed doors less than two years ago after Anders Frisk was struck by a missle thrown from the Roma crowd.
It doesn't take a leap of genius or even paranioa (As some self-loathing English people will always claim) to know that if it was an English team responsible for such actions, a heavy ban would be slapped on them.
Half-Finished Cartoon

D - Got myself a little graphic tablet a week or so ago and began, half-arsedly, to transfer some of my hand drawn cartoons onto the PC. Can't be bothered with scanning them and want to use the graphic tablet to draw by hand digitally. If I ever get my arse into gear, there should be hundreds of old cartoons to transfer either onto here or a dedicated website, plus the new ones that keep occuring to me as well.
That's the thing about the net, it allows you to get some stuff out there on view without having to rely on someone else's judgement of whether it's publishable or not.
Bobbies on the beat
D - For the first time ever on this estate, we've seen a couple of Policemen patrolling on foot. A welcome sight for sure, but one that is long overdue., for the vast majority of those living here.
Having never learnt to drive, walking the streets to get from A to B and being familiar with them has been a way of life for myself, but for many less streetwise (Due in part to over-reliance on the car) the pavement has almost become a place of fear.
With the almost daily scaremongoring of certain newspapers and selective editing of tv shows aimed at frightening a willing populace, it's not really a surprise that walking the streets (And coming into contact with those too poor to drive or the imaginary mugger/rapist behind every corner or hedge) has become a unknown, fearful activity.
Having a visible Police presence to deter criminals and reassure the public that the streets are their property should, hopefully, encourage us to ditch the motor and walk up the shop, the chippy, the Chinese takeaway, the neighbours and countless other places.
Maybe once people take to the pavements and realise that the overwhelming majority of other people walking them are simply going about their business, and not waiting to jump you, then we may become a less fearful, whining nation.
Saying, 'Hello' and smiling at the person walking past you might get you the odd look, but far more often than not you'll get the same back. Just to recieve a bit of friendliness from a stranger really can make your day seem brighter and less of a burden, so we shouldn't have to rely on the Police or more and more Government legislation to make our streets welcoming and safe. We should take it upon ourselves as individuals to make that change by altering our behaviour and growing some bollocks, instead of hiding away in fear.
Having never learnt to drive, walking the streets to get from A to B and being familiar with them has been a way of life for myself, but for many less streetwise (Due in part to over-reliance on the car) the pavement has almost become a place of fear.
With the almost daily scaremongoring of certain newspapers and selective editing of tv shows aimed at frightening a willing populace, it's not really a surprise that walking the streets (And coming into contact with those too poor to drive or the imaginary mugger/rapist behind every corner or hedge) has become a unknown, fearful activity.
Having a visible Police presence to deter criminals and reassure the public that the streets are their property should, hopefully, encourage us to ditch the motor and walk up the shop, the chippy, the Chinese takeaway, the neighbours and countless other places.
Maybe once people take to the pavements and realise that the overwhelming majority of other people walking them are simply going about their business, and not waiting to jump you, then we may become a less fearful, whining nation.
Saying, 'Hello' and smiling at the person walking past you might get you the odd look, but far more often than not you'll get the same back. Just to recieve a bit of friendliness from a stranger really can make your day seem brighter and less of a burden, so we shouldn't have to rely on the Police or more and more Government legislation to make our streets welcoming and safe. We should take it upon ourselves as individuals to make that change by altering our behaviour and growing some bollocks, instead of hiding away in fear.
Tuesday, March 14
Climate Change
Just watched Meltdown on BBC2, an hour long tv programme on the subject of climate change which asked whether the changes in climate are merely natural cycles that have occured throughout the ages, or if they're affected by the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution.
A well made show that threw light onto some interesting history of climate change, such as the Little Ice Age, the money shot of the programme was the experiment that anyone with a PC could participate in which you can Download Here
Basically this is the climate change modelling equivalent of the SETI program that has been available for a couple of years, whereby the power of thousands of internet-connected home computers is used to number crunch the data gathered by radio telescopes, rather than relying on one or two 'super computers' to do the job.
Instead of searching for extre-terrestrial life, the Climate Change program runs through an individual prediction model of climate change Once all the hundreds of thousands of individual models are complete, those running the experiment will have a far more accurate picture of possible changes. Well, according to them anyway.
We've already been running this program in the background of our PC for a few weeks now and we'd recommend anyone else to do the same. Taking part in a mega experiment without doing more than a simple download can't hurt can it..
A well made show that threw light onto some interesting history of climate change, such as the Little Ice Age, the money shot of the programme was the experiment that anyone with a PC could participate in which you can Download Here
Basically this is the climate change modelling equivalent of the SETI program that has been available for a couple of years, whereby the power of thousands of internet-connected home computers is used to number crunch the data gathered by radio telescopes, rather than relying on one or two 'super computers' to do the job.
Instead of searching for extre-terrestrial life, the Climate Change program runs through an individual prediction model of climate change Once all the hundreds of thousands of individual models are complete, those running the experiment will have a far more accurate picture of possible changes. Well, according to them anyway.
We've already been running this program in the background of our PC for a few weeks now and we'd recommend anyone else to do the same. Taking part in a mega experiment without doing more than a simple download can't hurt can it..
Comment is Free
Guardian Unlimited (Probably the best newspaper website around.....and it's free!) has just launched Comment is Free which is, "the first collective comment blog by a British newspaper website".
Have a little look yourself to see if it's a good addition to the blogosphere or simply a desperate attempt by traditional media to keep its place in a rapidly changing media world.
Personally I reckon it's a good thing, but since it only launched today it might be best to reserve judgement for now eh...
Have a little look yourself to see if it's a good addition to the blogosphere or simply a desperate attempt by traditional media to keep its place in a rapidly changing media world.
Personally I reckon it's a good thing, but since it only launched today it might be best to reserve judgement for now eh...
D - Looks like i'm going to have to feebly admit defeat for now, sign the poxy contract and deal with the mental stress, self-loathing and worthlessness for now. Contract & HBS are shite
Nevermind, C is getting back to work and will be earning far, far more than she was before which means in a few months I can tell HBS to stick their derisory contract up their arse.
Not until i've attempted to get a motion of no confidence in HBS management signed by the rest of the department (HBS and MKC employees) first and push the company further towards losing their contract with the Council. Considering how shoddily my co-workers have been treated, the wieght of management incompotence and how much some sections of MKC loathe HBS, that should be a distinct possibility.
Why there weren't kicked out when the financial forgery scandal hit I don't know but maybe the Council, like that of Bedford, will realise they've been duped by a bunch of snake-oil salesmen and terminate the partnership.
Even if you believe the idea of public private partnerships are a good thing, HBS are incapable of delivering as their constant jumping of ship by senior management indicates.
HBS 'core value' number one? 'To delight our customers' ha!
Nevermind, C is getting back to work and will be earning far, far more than she was before which means in a few months I can tell HBS to stick their derisory contract up their arse.
Not until i've attempted to get a motion of no confidence in HBS management signed by the rest of the department (HBS and MKC employees) first and push the company further towards losing their contract with the Council. Considering how shoddily my co-workers have been treated, the wieght of management incompotence and how much some sections of MKC loathe HBS, that should be a distinct possibility.
Why there weren't kicked out when the financial forgery scandal hit I don't know but maybe the Council, like that of Bedford, will realise they've been duped by a bunch of snake-oil salesmen and terminate the partnership.
Even if you believe the idea of public private partnerships are a good thing, HBS are incapable of delivering as their constant jumping of ship by senior management indicates.
HBS 'core value' number one? 'To delight our customers' ha!
Sunday, March 12
Saturday, March 11
Just been lazily surfing through some of the other blogs here and it's a real eye-opener for an Englishman to see just how many people around the world believe in God.
Nowt wrong with believing in God of course, although we have to be careful that the growing numbers of the Godly (Mostly imports) don't start to change our society to fit with their beliefs.
We're a heathen bunch here and thank fuck too.
Nowt wrong with believing in God of course, although we have to be careful that the growing numbers of the Godly (Mostly imports) don't start to change our society to fit with their beliefs.
We're a heathen bunch here and thank fuck too.
New Nephew
D - Met my new nephew today. 5 weeks old, named Freddy (Although not after Freddie Flintoff) and wonderfully gorgeous. Made sure that I played a bit with his older brother (5 years old), we had a great time zooming around my parents house in some crappy 30 year old wooden trolley and leaving marks everywhere.
Not a bad way to round off the day that started with A and her mates staying up til 1am. Pre-pubescent sleepovers that entail talking about boys, slagging other girls and dressing up leave me a bit baffled, not to mention ratty when they get so hyper on sweets and stuff that they don't get to sleep before us. Not to worry, C finally sorted them out by issuing a threat to call parents....at 1am. But they fell for it and went to sleep! Haha.
Also went on an Indian Head Massage course today from 10 til 4. C payed for me to do it and although I was nervous before I went, it was pretty cool and I can't wait to practise on willing victims. Shame C has gone out for her leaving do otherwise i'd be mauling her head and neck all night, instead of sitting at home with just the cats and Noel Edmonds for company.
Not a bad way to round off the day that started with A and her mates staying up til 1am. Pre-pubescent sleepovers that entail talking about boys, slagging other girls and dressing up leave me a bit baffled, not to mention ratty when they get so hyper on sweets and stuff that they don't get to sleep before us. Not to worry, C finally sorted them out by issuing a threat to call parents....at 1am. But they fell for it and went to sleep! Haha.
Also went on an Indian Head Massage course today from 10 til 4. C payed for me to do it and although I was nervous before I went, it was pretty cool and I can't wait to practise on willing victims. Shame C has gone out for her leaving do otherwise i'd be mauling her head and neck all night, instead of sitting at home with just the cats and Noel Edmonds for company.
Friday, March 10
Just downloaded a couple of applications from Google (Picasa2 & Google Desktop) and they seem to be ok. Will have to play around with them a bit before I can comment on their usefullness, although the fact that I chose to download those particular applications suggests Google are on the right track. For what I want anyway.
D - Tensions brought about by work pressures affecting myself and C reached boiling point last night and this morning. Both of us have been treated appalling by our respective employers and the frustration, anger, hurt and impotence this causes us has led us to temporarily turn on each other.
All those emotions kept in check find a way out, there's no way of stopping them and they usually get unleashed on those you love the most, so we reached a pretty low point before we came to our senses. We're alright now, oh we're so much more than alright now. We're united again, more in love than ever before and ready to carry on the fight with renewed vigour. We'll never be divided 'cos we both know the other is our missing half that we've needed all our lives. That's far more important, of far more value and worth so much more of my soul than the incompotent, self-serving, lack of management shown us by our employers.
All those emotions kept in check find a way out, there's no way of stopping them and they usually get unleashed on those you love the most, so we reached a pretty low point before we came to our senses. We're alright now, oh we're so much more than alright now. We're united again, more in love than ever before and ready to carry on the fight with renewed vigour. We'll never be divided 'cos we both know the other is our missing half that we've needed all our lives. That's far more important, of far more value and worth so much more of my soul than the incompotent, self-serving, lack of management shown us by our employers.
Thursday, March 9
HBS are shite
Got collared by Manager I a few minutes before I was leaving today. Senior managers have vetoed any compromise on contract but, and this is the best bit, they will 'review' salary once i've 'proved' myself.
Since none of the managers ever make an appearance in our department it's a mystery how they can make such statements, especially as for the last 6 months they've been telling me that they want me in this new position.
Met C and vented minutes later and her view is just go, leave.
Need to assemble all of us who have been offered shit contracts tomorrow and decide how we're gonna approach it. One has already rejected the offer and another is finding out about a new job tomorrow.
Put it this way, if you're thinking of applying for planning permission from Milton Keynes Council in the near future, don't expect that application to be dealt with since there will be no-one left working for shitty HBS.
Since none of the managers ever make an appearance in our department it's a mystery how they can make such statements, especially as for the last 6 months they've been telling me that they want me in this new position.
Met C and vented minutes later and her view is just go, leave.
Need to assemble all of us who have been offered shit contracts tomorrow and decide how we're gonna approach it. One has already rejected the offer and another is finding out about a new job tomorrow.
Put it this way, if you're thinking of applying for planning permission from Milton Keynes Council in the near future, don't expect that application to be dealt with since there will be no-one left working for shitty HBS.
More Renewable Energy
Still no luck in finding a cohesive strategy from our council regarding renewables, or indeed any publicised incentives for those wishing to adopt the new technologies.
At least Parliament has a chance on Friday to pass a Bill that will open the floodgates for micro-generation and allow the eager public to race ahead with self-suffiency in energy BBC Story .
About time too, Britain will get left behind if we don't get our fingers out our arses soon.
At least Parliament has a chance on Friday to pass a Bill that will open the floodgates for micro-generation and allow the eager public to race ahead with self-suffiency in energy BBC Story .
About time too, Britain will get left behind if we don't get our fingers out our arses soon.
Wednesday, March 8
Beginning of the end?
D - Massive development tonight in the battle C is fighting back in. She is standing tall against so much pressure it's a show of strength that would make anyone proud of her. She really is the mmost magnificent person i've ever encountered....and she's mine! Hahaha!
Anyway, will post more on C's fight when the time is right.
Anyway, will post more on C's fight when the time is right.
So the islanders of Sark have rejected the democracy that Bush & Blair have so eagerly and cackhandedly failed to establish in Iraq. Read about it
A last vestige of Norman culture between England and France, the decision of Sark to reject full democracy must have those around the world who can't stand the patronising demands of the West for them to adopt democracy, laughing in the aisles.
If they ever heard about the island of only 500 souls that is...
Dumping at work
Took a dump at work earlier for the first time in ages. That's having a dump at work...not 'i've been without a turd for three months'.
Some fat fucker had cracked the toilet seat with his fat crack and it felt like I was almost sitting in the water it was so low. At least that minimised my 'plop'. Nothing worse than letting someone in another cubicle hear your plop, your spattering, your ear-splitting depth charge of a turd or even your moaning and wincing as you release a rock back into the wild.
Such concerns obviously didn't stop the bloke in the far cubicle.
Some fat fucker had cracked the toilet seat with his fat crack and it felt like I was almost sitting in the water it was so low. At least that minimised my 'plop'. Nothing worse than letting someone in another cubicle hear your plop, your spattering, your ear-splitting depth charge of a turd or even your moaning and wincing as you release a rock back into the wild.
Such concerns obviously didn't stop the bloke in the far cubicle.
Tuesday, March 7
Renewable Energy
Finally caught up with the story of Conservative leader David Cameron's plans to make his home an eco-friendly fortress against waste and excess carbon emissions Read what I read here.
Researched the wind turbine that he is going for (Not one that i've seen yet) and came across some updates on a guy in London called Donnachadh McCarthy who has created a similar eco-fortress Linky linky and all I can say is that i'm very, very jealous.
The only thing holding us back is our poverty.
Researched the wind turbine that he is going for (Not one that i've seen yet) and came across some updates on a guy in London called Donnachadh McCarthy who has created a similar eco-fortress Linky linky and all I can say is that i'm very, very jealous.
The only thing holding us back is our poverty.
Donnachadh McCarthy,
Renewable Energy,
Wind Turbine
ID Cards
D - No surprise to learn that Home Office Minger Charles Clarke is going to fight the Lords defeat of his plans for ID Cards to be tied into passports Clarke vows to continue ID battle.
Nor was it a surprise to learn that the New Labour Government (Who I merrily voted for in '97 and '01. Ha!) wanted to make all passport applicants have an ID Card as well, whether they liked it or not. Another example of the sneaky, backhanded method of creeping authoritarianism so beloved of this Government.
It's an odd sensation though to be relying on the unelected Lords (Target for plenty of youthful leftie criticism by myself) to uphold the civil and personal liberties of the English. For years they were the enemy, blocking any progressive legislation or waving through anything the bastard Tories proposed but now, they're the champions for those of us who don't want a bunch of smug and self-satisfied middle-class wankers telling us how we must live our lives.
While I never particuarly gave a stuff about Hunting one way or the other, the fact that Labour used the Parliament Act to force through the ban Hunt ban forced through Commons shows their priorities are seriously skewed.
While the assualt on an Englishmans civil liberty is important to me and many others, it's pretty obvious that the best way to counter attack the ID proposals are to highlight the cost. The public will accept them if they're free, but having to fork out £30-93 for one as the Government expects (Dependant on whether it is a stand-alone ID Card or incorporated into a Passport) let alone the scandalously high £170-300 estimated by the London School of Economics will soon make them turn against ID Cards. Any compulsion to have them by law will leave a nasty taste in the mouth and resentment will grow at what will be, in effect, a tax on being English in England.
The last time a British Government implemented such an unpopular and expensive tax on the British, full scale riots led to the downfall of Maggie Thatcher and the swift demise of the hated tax Poll Tax Riots.
The only hope is that the English won't put up with the expense (Or the ever-changing reasons the Government gives for the need for ID Card), the Government continue to dismiss all opposition and make the cards compulsary, riots break out once again and the whole worthless and offensive scheme is scrapped. And the Labour fucking Party can pick up the bill for the millions, possibly billions, of taxpayers money wasted on it.
Nor was it a surprise to learn that the New Labour Government (Who I merrily voted for in '97 and '01. Ha!) wanted to make all passport applicants have an ID Card as well, whether they liked it or not. Another example of the sneaky, backhanded method of creeping authoritarianism so beloved of this Government.
It's an odd sensation though to be relying on the unelected Lords (Target for plenty of youthful leftie criticism by myself) to uphold the civil and personal liberties of the English. For years they were the enemy, blocking any progressive legislation or waving through anything the bastard Tories proposed but now, they're the champions for those of us who don't want a bunch of smug and self-satisfied middle-class wankers telling us how we must live our lives.
While I never particuarly gave a stuff about Hunting one way or the other, the fact that Labour used the Parliament Act to force through the ban Hunt ban forced through Commons shows their priorities are seriously skewed.
While the assualt on an Englishmans civil liberty is important to me and many others, it's pretty obvious that the best way to counter attack the ID proposals are to highlight the cost. The public will accept them if they're free, but having to fork out £30-93 for one as the Government expects (Dependant on whether it is a stand-alone ID Card or incorporated into a Passport) let alone the scandalously high £170-300 estimated by the London School of Economics will soon make them turn against ID Cards. Any compulsion to have them by law will leave a nasty taste in the mouth and resentment will grow at what will be, in effect, a tax on being English in England.
The last time a British Government implemented such an unpopular and expensive tax on the British, full scale riots led to the downfall of Maggie Thatcher and the swift demise of the hated tax Poll Tax Riots.
The only hope is that the English won't put up with the expense (Or the ever-changing reasons the Government gives for the need for ID Card), the Government continue to dismiss all opposition and make the cards compulsary, riots break out once again and the whole worthless and offensive scheme is scrapped. And the Labour fucking Party can pick up the bill for the millions, possibly billions, of taxpayers money wasted on it.
Monday, March 6
D - Had a chat with manager I today about my contract.
12 month contract is coming to an end in the middle of April and after plenty of pushing, a few of us have succeeded in forcing our management into making a decision regarding new contracts before we're left without a job.
They came back to us with offers the other week but frankly, they were pretty gash. When I told in a meeting with manager I and TL, I kind of stood up for myself for the first time in my working life. Well, I did once before but it took about a year for what I asked for to materialise and yet I still stayed like a gormless idiot. Anyway, I told them that I wasn't happy with it and that I thought my skills, etc warranted a bit more than the derisory offer on the table. Manager I said he put to the other managers. He doesn't have authority to decide shit since he's only been here 2 months.
Today the two of us had a little chat about it.
Off the to canteen and his usual spot for a 'chat' (He established that pretty fucking quickly eh!) and it didn't take long for him to tell me they had rejected more money. Because I had cunningly hidden a Plan B up my sleeve, I forgot to ask the reasons why not, although his reaction to Plan B has left me hopeful-ish.
Plan B is to work for the salary offered (£14k....up from £13K. big percentage rise I guess but not enough considering they are making our jobs harder) but to actually work less hours. So, instead of the £15k for a 37 hour week that I originally asked for, or the £14k for a 37 hour week they offered, i'll do a 32-33 hour week for £14k. Payment/reward for productivity rather thanfor hours spent in an office.
He seemed to take it on board well, even jotted something down on the derisory contract he had for me, and said he gat back to me after the usual round of meetings blah.
Later that day he virtually leaned over me at my desk and whispered that he'd passed it on up the line and it hadn't been rejected out of hand. That was pretty cool. The news,not his leaning over me.
Funny how he whispered so as not to let anyone else hear. Guess he doesn't know that we're all openly discussing our contracts in the office. Maybe that comes of being a different generation (us in our 20's and 30's) or because there are more non-English working there than English. Maybe those two themselves are related.
Still, that left me rather more hopeful and proud that I stood my ground, as well as having the foresight (Although it could just be maturity..) to have a Plan B.
Let's hope I don't end up looking a tit.
12 month contract is coming to an end in the middle of April and after plenty of pushing, a few of us have succeeded in forcing our management into making a decision regarding new contracts before we're left without a job.
They came back to us with offers the other week but frankly, they were pretty gash. When I told in a meeting with manager I and TL, I kind of stood up for myself for the first time in my working life. Well, I did once before but it took about a year for what I asked for to materialise and yet I still stayed like a gormless idiot. Anyway, I told them that I wasn't happy with it and that I thought my skills, etc warranted a bit more than the derisory offer on the table. Manager I said he put to the other managers. He doesn't have authority to decide shit since he's only been here 2 months.
Today the two of us had a little chat about it.
Off the to canteen and his usual spot for a 'chat' (He established that pretty fucking quickly eh!) and it didn't take long for him to tell me they had rejected more money. Because I had cunningly hidden a Plan B up my sleeve, I forgot to ask the reasons why not, although his reaction to Plan B has left me hopeful-ish.
Plan B is to work for the salary offered (£14k....up from £13K. big percentage rise I guess but not enough considering they are making our jobs harder) but to actually work less hours. So, instead of the £15k for a 37 hour week that I originally asked for, or the £14k for a 37 hour week they offered, i'll do a 32-33 hour week for £14k. Payment/reward for productivity rather thanfor hours spent in an office.
He seemed to take it on board well, even jotted something down on the derisory contract he had for me, and said he gat back to me after the usual round of meetings blah.
Later that day he virtually leaned over me at my desk and whispered that he'd passed it on up the line and it hadn't been rejected out of hand. That was pretty cool. The news,not his leaning over me.
Funny how he whispered so as not to let anyone else hear. Guess he doesn't know that we're all openly discussing our contracts in the office. Maybe that comes of being a different generation (us in our 20's and 30's) or because there are more non-English working there than English. Maybe those two themselves are related.
Still, that left me rather more hopeful and proud that I stood my ground, as well as having the foresight (Although it could just be maturity..) to have a Plan B.
Let's hope I don't end up looking a tit.
Saturday, March 4
God told me to do it
D - Revelations last night about Tony Blair using his faith in God to decide upon the Iraq War have left me feeling very uneasy. Well, quite pissed off as it happens since I supported the war on the grounds of Saddam being a threat to Britain.....hahaha more fool me.
I've grown up in a world where religion, even of the genteel CoE, has been totally absent form my life, my surroundings, my family, my friends and pretty much everything else, so it's almost impossible for me to understand this conviction and faith in an entity that as far as i'm concerned has no basis in reality.
Don't get me wrong, I have nowt against those who do have faith (of whatever persuasion) and am pretty sure that the number of British people who believe in God far outweighs the numbers who don't. Just because they don't make themselves known as such doesn't mean they don't have strong faith, and that silent majority may well turn against the secular superiority of some like Richard Dawkins and others who have such sneering contempt for religion. It's always quite interesting to note that those who squeal on about the stupidity of religion the mosthave usually been brought up in that religion. Either way, doesn't bother me if people wish to believe and have faith in God if they so choose, each to their own like..
Anyway, back to Tony Blair and the judgement of God informing his decision as Prime Minister and Commander-In-Chief of Britain to invade another nation that was no threat. Now even my scanty knowledge of Christianity leaves me feeling uneasy regarding that, although i'll let the Archbishop of Canterbury and others have the theological discussion as to whether it fits in with Jesus's teachings, but my secular side is positively screaming with warning signals.
It was only on Thursday that C and myself had a great discussion about growing Puritanism (In secular society) and how that would link into the States legislation on isssues. That led onto abortion (Inspired in some ways by new and fantastic images of foetuses at an age they had never been seen at before) and what would happen if those with a narrow or exclusive moral agenda started to gain power and authority in this country, and begin to restrict the rights we've not only grown accustomed to but for those my age, never known any different.
Now Tony Blair claims God told him to do it.
Proof positive for the world of Islam, as if some spoiling for a fight don't have enough 'evidence' already, that the medieval Crusaders are reborn in the guise of Blair and Bush. The US may have a large maority of vocal Christians who might not object to such a mission from God, but even the Christians of Britain must despair of the death, destruction and pain inflicted upon innocents in their name from a zealous leader.
I'm appalled quite honestly.
As I am with the comments of Stephen Pound MP who simply tries to cover Blair (And Labour) by praising his honesty and having a pop at the 'awful American route of guns, gods and gays'
Anyway, off for a smoke with the beautiful C
I've grown up in a world where religion, even of the genteel CoE, has been totally absent form my life, my surroundings, my family, my friends and pretty much everything else, so it's almost impossible for me to understand this conviction and faith in an entity that as far as i'm concerned has no basis in reality.
Don't get me wrong, I have nowt against those who do have faith (of whatever persuasion) and am pretty sure that the number of British people who believe in God far outweighs the numbers who don't. Just because they don't make themselves known as such doesn't mean they don't have strong faith, and that silent majority may well turn against the secular superiority of some like Richard Dawkins and others who have such sneering contempt for religion. It's always quite interesting to note that those who squeal on about the stupidity of religion the mosthave usually been brought up in that religion. Either way, doesn't bother me if people wish to believe and have faith in God if they so choose, each to their own like..
Anyway, back to Tony Blair and the judgement of God informing his decision as Prime Minister and Commander-In-Chief of Britain to invade another nation that was no threat. Now even my scanty knowledge of Christianity leaves me feeling uneasy regarding that, although i'll let the Archbishop of Canterbury and others have the theological discussion as to whether it fits in with Jesus's teachings, but my secular side is positively screaming with warning signals.
It was only on Thursday that C and myself had a great discussion about growing Puritanism (In secular society) and how that would link into the States legislation on isssues. That led onto abortion (Inspired in some ways by new and fantastic images of foetuses at an age they had never been seen at before) and what would happen if those with a narrow or exclusive moral agenda started to gain power and authority in this country, and begin to restrict the rights we've not only grown accustomed to but for those my age, never known any different.
Now Tony Blair claims God told him to do it.
Proof positive for the world of Islam, as if some spoiling for a fight don't have enough 'evidence' already, that the medieval Crusaders are reborn in the guise of Blair and Bush. The US may have a large maority of vocal Christians who might not object to such a mission from God, but even the Christians of Britain must despair of the death, destruction and pain inflicted upon innocents in their name from a zealous leader.
I'm appalled quite honestly.
As I am with the comments of Stephen Pound MP who simply tries to cover Blair (And Labour) by praising his honesty and having a pop at the 'awful American route of guns, gods and gays'
Anyway, off for a smoke with the beautiful C
Thursday, March 2
Day off sick
D - Gladly taken a sick day off from work after waking up this morning with my intestines twisting themselves into knots. Unfortunately, after a quiet but panic-striken dash to the toilet, woke C and A up with the rapid-fire plopping of my vile, spasming guts slapping into the water.
My stomach and bowels are still twitchy but i'm sat here in my slob, pissing around on the net after having had a nice smoke....and i'm not at work. Can't complain too much.
Got a few hours to spare since C has gone out to see a friend, so need to make some sort of list of what I need to accomplish before she gets back. Having a shower and hair wash is high up the agenda but believe me, crouching down naked and cold in that bathtub trying to adjust the water temperature on the taps isn't the worlds most inticing prospect. In fact, it's so daunting that i'll probably put it off for ages. Thankfully C has said I don't need to do so until 3-ish so that she can cut my hair while it's still wet. Suits me, i'm going to spunk my early afternoon playing Civ 4...
My stomach and bowels are still twitchy but i'm sat here in my slob, pissing around on the net after having had a nice smoke....and i'm not at work. Can't complain too much.
Got a few hours to spare since C has gone out to see a friend, so need to make some sort of list of what I need to accomplish before she gets back. Having a shower and hair wash is high up the agenda but believe me, crouching down naked and cold in that bathtub trying to adjust the water temperature on the taps isn't the worlds most inticing prospect. In fact, it's so daunting that i'll probably put it off for ages. Thankfully C has said I don't need to do so until 3-ish so that she can cut my hair while it's still wet. Suits me, i'm going to spunk my early afternoon playing Civ 4...
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