The DIY superstore B&Q have started selling domestic wind turbines.
How fucking good is that!
The 1kW turbines are retailing at just shy of £1500 (Including installation and a suitablity survey) and can be bought online or off the shelf in around 100 stores. Deatails here
It seems that the hated (In some quarters) market is beginning to supply on an increasingly large scale many of the environmentally concious products that many of us have been straining at the leash for.
B&Q obviously feel there is a demand for such appliances, so it's up to us to show that they haven't been wrong in supplying wind turbines.
The Government, while having been virtually inert, can I suppose sit back a bit and feel satisfied that the market has begun to work as they would like. Whether turbines at £1500 will fly off the shelves (Hur hur!) though is a different matter, or at least it is for those who would gain the most from creating their own energy, the poorest and the increasingly squeezed lowe middle-classes.
Still, kudos to B&Q.