Here is a nice little article from the Guardian Unlimited's new Environment section on solar powers and the economic benefits to be gained from them.
The lower in cost to buy, fit and run solar panels become (Along with other micro-renewables) then it's a no-brainer that demand for them will increase, yet according to the article solar thermal panels in China cost a tenth of the price they do here.
With 65m square metres of the things on roofs it's no suprise that costs are so low. Whether those same panels can, in the manufacturing process, be adapted to work with the standard electrical wiring within British properties I don't know, but surely it wouldn't be an expensive process especially considering that even at double the Chinese price, adapted thermal solar panels would cost the British buyer 20-25% less than they do now.
I did see an ad on Google for a site that manufactures and exports solar panels but I couldn't be arsed to install the language pack needed to view it. Whic says a lot about my attitude I guess...
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