Well, I left the temporary (And chronically unfilled) MySpace profile up on the site for, ooooohhh all of a day or two in the hope of getting a message back.
When I hadn't received anything after that time, and my disgust at getting all wistful and sad had become overwhelming, I deleted the profile and decided to forget the whole thing. Why dredge up old shit and cause myself unnecessary sorrow?
Anyway, I eventually did get a reply to my old Hotmail account*
It basically said, and I may be paraphrasing here as the email was deleted instantly, "I can assure you that this mail is a one-off. I would have replied to your message but you've deleted your profile. How ridiculous. Thanks for the sentiment".
The 'How ridiculous' sounds about right on two fronts. 1) It's pretty much a phrase she used fairly often and 2) it was a bit daft but hey ho!
But it's over now. Thankfully. I hate being confronted with old times and ex partners/friends/aquaintances/workmates, etc. Considering i've moved around a fair bit and done a few jobs and almost always ended up disappointing people, it's becoming harder to find places I can go without the possibility of bumping into someone I don't want to.
* I opened it up for the first time in ages a month or so ago and had over 200 messages. All junk of course or to crap i'd signed up for previously. It's also the email addy I had when I was a total internet tart and used to arrange meet-ups and the like with married/single women. It went out of use when I met C of course and, while the temptation to reignite that lifestyle very occassionally raises its head in mine, it's never something i'd go back to.
Although there is a woman in one of our other offices who i've got a sneaking suspiscion quite fancies me. She's pretty fit too, I quite fancy her as it happens and, unless my old skills have deserted me, i'm fairly sure that we're flirting on an upwards curve. Not that it matters, any extra-marital shenanigans would spell the end of thedacs and that's a price far too high to pay for a quick hump or seven.
Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

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