Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Saturday, May 27


Had some massive developments regarding the HBS malarky recently.

The letter I sent on TLs request to HBS has made it's way further up the chain (And also into the local press who I sent a letter to after an article in the Shitizen about Labour offering a coalition with the previously ruling Lib-Dems, on condition in part, of scrapping the council contract with HBS) and is starting to have an affect.

I'd recieved a letter from some bod in HR a few weeks ago saying they'd recieved it and an investigation was to begin, and also heard from B at work, that staff were having one-on-one interviews with this same bod as well as HBS press officers arriving in the office asking TL if she knew why they were getting calls from local media or who was responsible.

The local Labour leader emailed me last week asking if he could share the email i'd sent him (A duplicate of the letter sent to the local press) with one of his colleagues, to which I agreed and, although i've heard or read anything from the press about my letter, i'm sure it must be having some effect considering what is taking place.

In fact i'm certain it is. Today I recieved a letter from the same HR bod inviting me to a meeting with the partnership director and herself on 5th June.

After my instinctive reaction to dismiss the invitation through sheer fright at having to be in that situation had flashed past, the gorgeous C made some fantastic points in helping me see why this is a perfect chance to stand up and be counted. Not just for myself and being able to pay back the HBS bastards that had made me sick, but also for TL, B and everyone else in that team who are still working under those incompetents.

I have a wonderful opportunity to let them know what they did to me, forcing me out of a job and slipping onto anti-depressants, while not being in a position where they have any power over me. C is right when she says I don't work for them anymore, that I can attend this meeting in me jeans if I want and that HBS must be getting concerned. The balance of power might even be in my favour.

I've felt that before with them and ended up losing. but this time is different. They're coming to me which means they've got the explaining to do and I don't have to worry that i'm employed by them. I'm gonna take this opportunity and come out feeling good after it.

You never know, maybe the shit is right up them and they'll pay me off with an 'undisclosed figure' to not speak to the press anymore or something. I'd fucking love it if they did but let's not let get too excited eh, let's just gather up as much shit as possible to screw those worthless managers over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.