D - Walked out of work today after finally refusing to work with shite management.
Had to tell C (Also a victim of the hopeless excuse that passes for management in today's British workplace) by text that i'd quit as I was walking up the job centre with fury, hurt and numbness in my heart....but C is the best. Her first words were, 'You're my hero for walking out'. That cheered me immensly, as did the response of my co-workers.
This is the email I sent to my wonderful co-workers who i'll miss, although i'll see them again for sure..
Dear all,
First of all I want to apologise to you for leaving the office so abruptly.
Since the turn of the year i've been suffering from depression (So much so that my GP has put me on medication) attributable to the quality of management & communication offered by HBS. Some of you have been in the same position regarding the painfully drawn out process of negotiating new contracts and will appreciate the derisory offers made to us, lack of recognition and sensitivity shown by HBS and the willful lack of corcern shown by our management team.
Last week I saw the Occupational Health Advisor about the depression caused by this lack of management contact and rejection of my compromise offer. She agreed with my stance and wrote a letter, which myself and TL both passed on to management, stating that management should deal with the situation.
The very next day I recieved word from Chris Nixon that I must 'prove' myself. This appalling comment from a manger who has hardly set foot in our department, allied to the fact that HBS have told me that they wanted me in this new position for the past six months but failed to act on that desire, led my mental state to deteriorate almost instantly. I'm afraid, like most creative souls I also happen to be a sensitive one. Having given the best part of a year to HBS against my better judgement and their performance toward the entire department, something cracked and it was me.
Today I had that meeting. It soon became apparent that this was not due to any concern regarding the state of my mental health or to discuss how to proceed, but was an exercise in covering their own backs against Occupational Health, attempting to pass the blame for their management failures on to TL (Which I wholeheartedly rejected) and claiming that they were 'always in the deaprtment'
I saw no future for myself with a company such as HBS and so upped and left.
Secondly, I wish to thank you all for being such a friendly, warm team that were a pleasure to work with. Coming back to work today and seeing all of you there soon made me forget any troubles I felt were pending, but i'm afraid the self-serving, attempted buck passing and, most importantly, lack of any concern, shown by HBS management this morning have become too much for me.
I'm afraid to say that I won't be coming back to work for HBS in any form, but that I shall really miss you all and hope that those of you searching for your way out find it sooner rather than later. I've had more than a fair inkling that HBS would prove themselves to be incapable of worthwhile management so have been prepared, financially at least, for this moment.
Once again, i'll miss you all. I enjoyed working in a team that laughed a lot together, that worked superbly against all the odds and supported each other in the face of managerial incompetence.
All the best and all my love to each and every one of you,
Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

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