Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Friday, September 15

Carbon emissions must be cut by 90%

According to a 'ground breaking' report by the Tyndall Centre (A climate change research Institute - so maybe a case of exaggeration to justify Governmnet funding).

The Guardian contains a good article summising all the main points and how the Tyndall Centre envisages the changes needed to meet their target panning out in the future - double-decker trains, newer fuels, energy efficiency in the home and industry, etc.

The BBC's Newsnight programme also has an ongoing feature named Ethical Man, which foolows a journo attempting to cut his carbon emissions.Last night he was on and discovered that his family had managed a 30-35% reduction in carbon, yet also that this percentage was as much as could realistically be brought about by the individual. Industry and the Government must be responsible for the rump of carbon emission reductions.

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