Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Wednesday, September 20


Sent home from my new job on the second day (And no, I haven't been sacked but told that since there is no one in the office this afternoon it would be unfair and a waste to leave me there untrained and alone - fair enough) and, although having dusted, wiped down, hoovered, washed up and tidied the place up since getting at 1:30, I feel like I should be doing something constructive with my time.

There isn't anything I want to do (Not helped by Kismet laying on my lap, purring away and generally acting like the world's most gorgeous cat ever!), even GTA doesn't hold any appeal and the computer (Which I can very happily spend hours on) just feels like it will drain me of life unless I get constructive.

Drawing up a cartoon I drew on paper with the graphics tablet should be something that i'll leap at, but quite honestly, I can't be arsed.

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