Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Friday, December 1

3 things i'd change about the world

Inspired by something seen on telly last night (Although it was '10 things...') and for wont of anything better to post before I disappear for the weekend.

1) Running out of food and having to shop for a few bits at the end of a long week. Especially when it involves having to be outside in the pissing rain and even more so when it involves nothing more than buying a poxy bag of spuds and some baccy.

2) Boredom at work. Yes it could be dealt with by actually throwing yourself into some work (It's what you're paid for after all) but if there is no one around to have a laugh with or talk to, it's like school without all the good bits.

3) Nintendo. Or more specifically anyone over the age of 13 who plays them, likes them and gets erect over their release. DS, Wii, whatever. They're for children and other small people with outsized heads that resemble Nintendo characters.

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