Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Monday, June 5


Yes I know! World Environment Day! How it slipped my mind again this year i'll never know, but hopefully i'll still have time to walk down to the local independent retailer of Fairtrade goods and purchase a recycable 'Happy World Environment Day' card for all the local, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural kids.

Anyway, enough of the sub-standard attempts at humour, let's crack on with the point of this post. The Guardian ran an article today with some top tips for World Environment Day on how to save the planet from home, and the warm feeling of smugness that follows realising we already fulfill almost all of them spread across me as rapidly as the warm dampness of weak urine spreads across the crotch of the typical Guardianista whenever some rotten racist waves the St Georges Cross.

Thedacs already:
  • Turn off the lights, as well as turning off plug sockets when we're out or asleep, including those used for mobile phone chargers
  • Recycle and compost. We even pay £15 a year for a garden waste bin so it all gets taken somewhere cool and groovy.
  • Use the car as little as possible or walk and cycle.
  • Have an insulated home and, where the level of craftsmanship used to build this house has been substandard (Very common in MK I must add in my experiences), we take additional measures to insulate further. Bless you Sausage Dog draught excluder!
  • Use rechargeable batteries
The only thing from the Guardians list that we're slacking in is the reuse of plastic bags. What a pain in the arse that will be, although I seem to remember a time long ago where shoppers had to pay for them anyway. Best get a Bag For Life from Tesco. We've got a coupon for one so let's recycle that fucker!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.