Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Friday, November 17

InterWebNet 'fuelling crisis in politics'

Apparently. According to this article on the BBC anyway.

Tony Blair's outgoing policy chief Matthew Taylor says, 'The internet has immense potential but we face a real problem if the main way in which that potential expresses itself is through allowing citizens to participate in a shrill discourse of demands'.

Make of that what you will.

Kind of reminds me of the initially baffled & hurt 'professional' commentators on Comment Is Free, who started lashing out when it became apparent that rather a lot of their technology minded readers didn't like the smug old crap the commentators were blithely spouting out and letting them no in no uncertain terms.

Don't blame the readers/bloggers for highlighting and criticising your poor performance or arguments.

Of course, the best potential for the InterWebNet is to use it as the means for Universal Representation. Stuff this Representative Democracy, let's have the full-on every vote counts democracy and rid ourselves of all these incestuous, cloned management-types that infest Government.

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