Everything and nothing. Read it, shrug your shoulders and move on.

Monday, November 20

Poxy buses. May as well drive.

Over an hour spent stood at a poxy bus stop when all I wanted to do was get home kind of tarnished what had been a good day.

Got plenty of work done, had a laugh at one of the other branch managers who came to ours for a managers meeting and absolutely reeked of stale booze, didn't find myself distracted by wasting time on the net and felt pretty good considering I hadn't had much sleep (Due to staying up and watching the new series of Lost on Sky).

But it only took waiting for the bus home to put me in a shite mood. Not only was the bus home late in the first place, but the fucker just drove on by when it did finally reach the stop.

In those sorts of situations I always try to tell myself, 'It's history. Soon enough you'll forget that you were ever here in this mood', but today it didn't work because I was quite happy stewing in my own bitterness and resentment. In fact I was enjoying muttering curses under my breath as I stood all alone waiting for a bus. Watching waves of people coming to the bus stop and departing on other buses as I stood forlorn hardly helped the mood.....or did considering I was happy being miserable.

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